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Ranuan entrepreneurs' evening Suhanko

  • Rush to the Limit 32 Central road Ranua, Lapland, 97700 Finland (map)

Growth as a partner to a mining company

Welcome to the Suhanko evening for all entrepreneurs in Ranua to hear the growth stories of Lapland's mines told by entrepreneurs and discuss ways to get involved in the mining network.

Juha Rissanen, Project Manager of Suhanko Arctic Platinum Oy, and Erkki Kantola, Environmental Manager, will also be present.

Coffee will be served at the event.


Opening of the event

Reetta Mustonen, President of the Entrepreneurs of Ranua

Introduction to the evening
mine coordinator Janne Laine, Suhanko mine preparation survey project

Aavasaksan Kotihaltia becomes a subsidiary of Alltime Oy
CEO Henna Uutela

Tallista becomes a major tyre supplier to mines - Kolarin Kumi
Juha-Pekka Pasma

Homemade local food to the field and everywhere - Niesta Catering
CEO Joonas Aikio

From competitors to partners and growth - Arctic Infra
CEO Petri Alatalo

Discussion and questions
Mika Kehusmaa, Managing Director, MK Core Drilling,

Closing of the event
Reetta Mustonen

The event will be chaired by Janne Laine(, 040 753 0053), who will provide further information on the event if needed.

The event is organised in cooperation with the Ranuan Entrepreneurs Association and the Suhanko -preparing-for-mining -study project of the municipality of Ranuan. The project is implemented with AKKE funding from the Lapland Regional Council.

22 March

Suhanko-public event

10 May

Visit to the mining town of Sotkamo