Sustainable responsibility is a competitive advantage for your company!
Business Ranua together with Toimisto2030 Oy organises
free of charge for businesses in Ranua
Wake up to responsibility workshop
Wednesday 10.4.2024 from 17.00 to 19.30 in the Council Chamber.
The pressure and need for sustainable, responsible action is now greater than ever, especially for businesses. In the long term, sustainability is the lifeblood of business. When sustainability is translated into actions that are visible and tangible in a company's daily life, and when it is presented in a transparent way, it meets customer expectations and market demand.
Sustainability is also a competitive advantage in many sectors, and when it is at the heart of business, it can be built upon to drive new business and growth. On the other hand, meeting sustainability requirements also carries the risk of greenwashing: this is avoided through information, value-based management and transparency.
The workshop will not only provide information, but also help entrepreneurs to understand what renewing responsibility is all about, what it means for their business and how to not only promote responsibility in their own business, but also build on it.
You can also exchange ideas with an expert and other entrepreneurs and try out the tools for corporate responsibility. We will also discuss together how to deal with the future and uncertainty.
The workshop will be led by sustainability expert Hanna-Leena Pesonen. There are places for 15 participants. So book your place as soon as possible, by 16.00 on Tuesday 2 April at the latest, by registering at
Please tell us about any special dietary requirements you may have. Evening coffee will be served.
The event will take place if at least 10 participants register.
For more information: 040 664 3113 / Juha